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Nov 23, 2010

Watched Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows today^^. Great fun(:

Played poker first, at Open Plaza, with the tiny cards! xDDD Well, I had to relearn it again, 'cos I forgot how to play, :/ And Midhat also epic fail, (: JK, you'll get better^^. Nicole and Vanessa came too, said hi. (x After that, went back to GV to watch the movie. Now I want to watch Part 2 and a movie called Hello Stranger. BAMBAMBAM, 8DDD And of course, the commercials were interesting. Uhm, Racist? xDDD And the movie finally began.

Obviously I won't talk about what happened in the movie, but I'll talk about the parts that we... Uhm, made fun of that were funny^^. I can't remember them all, so just see the conversation I have with Joshua and Midhat, LOLLOL. But I loved the part where we kept on saying, "The house was from the bag," LOLLOL, epic, xDDD And yep, we stayed there the whole time just to see if there was a preview at the end, which there wasn't, :/

We laughed at some names though. We searched through it at first. Then I saw Poppy Kay. LOLLOL, we laughed like hell. I have no idea why, xDDD And we continued laughing loudly, 'cos there wasn't anyone else in the cinema anyway, (: And yep, we saw one symbol, of a dog, elephant and.... Uhm, I can't remember, horse? Cow? Never mind. And we made fun of it by saying, "They should have used that for the Deathly Hallows!" LOLLOL, xDDD After that, Midhat had to go to the toilet, so yeah, duhh. xDDD

After staring at the mirror, while walking back out, Midhat wanted to take a picture, so yeah, we took some in front of the "Hello Stranger" poster. But we barely can't see ourselves, LOL. Then we asked someone passing by to take a photo. Haha, felt so paiseh, xDDD. After one shot, went out and decided to go to Joshua's house. Took 37 and yeahhh, Midhat was being random.

She wanted to go to the toilet, xDDD And we suddenly talked about toilets, I don't know, about going to the other gender's toilet? xDDD Yes, it happened to me before. Blame the people who kept changing the signs for no reason, :/ After alighting, we had to walk quite a distance, so yep. We were siao while walking too. xD How Midhat kept stuttering, and Joshua and I laugh like siao. xDDD Then Midhat was talking about how people were too young to get into a relationship, and I said she was saying it like she was the mother or something. With Joshua's witty reply of "Yes, mom," xDDD He said around 600 seconds more, and yeaaa. Midhat got fooled. xDDD Never mind about that though^^.

Stayed in Joshua's room and decided to play around with his guitar. We actually composed a song, :O. It's actually quite nice, but yeah, it's not even complete yet. There's no Verse 2 or Bridge. But had fun in composing it^^. After pestering Joshua to look at his other songs, he sang one(: It was nice^^. But... Uhm... It actually made Midhat cry. Which is a bit unusual? And Joshua and I were like... Speechless? But she was fine. She said it was touching (: After that, we decided to make Joshua video it and post it on Youtube. And yep, we took VERY LONG to record it. One, 'cos the lighting was not enough. Two, Joshua uhm, makes mistakes. Three, it's because we laugh too much and make him laugh to do so. xDDD And yay, I became the PAGE FLIPPER. 8DDD

OMG, I'm running out of pics to relate to my post, D8
And this is the best right now, so yeahhhh. .PPP

Every time Midhat wanted to record it using her phone, Joshua laughs. So yeah, it took quite a while. Until Midhat had to go home and all. She went ahead and I stayed to continue being the page flipper. xDDD Finally finished it after the pressing the record button and all. xDDD After that, of course I went home, .PPP

Song of the post.

Emotion and Reason by Yuyoyuppe

Hope by Piko

Yeeep, nothing else to say, so yeahh^^.
I feel like changing my farewell to: POPPY KAY BYE. (x

And the usual farewell,

Nov 21, 2010

NAH YUIN, I posting at last. xDDDD *Shot*

Ahem, anyway, yes, AFA ended like, 2 weeks ago ? Yup, yup, Enjoyed myself there, and yeah, the pictures are uploaded on facebook (You probably have seen them already anyway) and... Open House was a success too^^.

Day one at AFA... Hmm, I was still a bit... Uhm, how do you say it? Shy? At asking people for their photo, xDDD but I managed to go siao and took a lot (: Saw an Angel Beats! Magazine, but... I couldn't understand it, so I didn't buy. I wanted to buy a lot of things, but the prices are way over me. D8 Well, yeah, you could just see how I went through AFA from the pics (If I were to talk about it here, all I would be talking about is how... Ehhh, awesome, nice, cute? The pics are. *Shot*) There was one shop though, that said no photo taking, but still managed to get 2 photos, = w=b I felt so paiseh when they said no photo taking allowed. Sheesh, couldn't they have placed a sign? (Or if they did... Uhm, Made it bigger? xDDD)

After that, SAW KANAME. Heheheheh, he cosplayed as Gauche, and I was damn hyper ! I should have stopped him when I saw him earlier = 3=, but never mind, got his autograph and took photos with him, (But Rein got a solo shot with him. I WANT ONE TOO, D: ) Anyway, I love how he cosplayed Gauche. Tegami Bachi was only like, last year? And people are cosplaying it already, (Though I didn't see a Niche.) After Kaname had to leave, went around the place again, photo photo photo. xDDD

There was one big group of Vocaloid cosplayers, yes. And some Ciel (Female Version) and one Natsu. I'm just saying who I saw... = 3= Saw one Sebby carrying Ciel, OMG, so cute, xDDD. And the Lulu was cute! He's damn tall, but damn cute! xDDD The Rin and Len were cute too, and even cuter when they were playing with Kaito, (x Saw a group of K-On! cosplayers with cat ears, LOLLOL. A few BRS too.

We found a Matryoshka Miku! We waited for Gumi to come, but after a while, it felt like wasting time, so we decided to take just Miku. Her head gear was awesome! (I have no other word to... Uhm, name it, xDDD) It was cool, and she said she payed only 30 bucks for her costume. Found a Lavi and took a photo of him, (With Lionel in the background, xDDD) And incidentally, found Gumi, ._. Took photo of her anyway ^^.

There was a K-On! Male version too, and they could really play (: A group shot of the Vocaloids were there, and I ran all the way down the stairs just to take a photo of it(x Bought a few postcard like thingies of Angel Beats!. Gawd, Otonashi has an awesome pose there, xDDD. And there was even a Ciel in Wonderland, (Even though it was only released like, I think this month?) And a Len two timer! AHAHAHAHA, but of course, it was cute (: The other Rin kept saying "Police, police, underage!" xDDD After that, saw a few more cosplayers, and Angel Beats! cosplayers too, though I didn't manage to take a whole group photo, and there was a Rin Meltdown as well.

A few more photos from the Festival Hall, and we had to go home. And now for Day 2... OoO'''

Ehhh, saw one Shirogane on the way, and lost her. Took a photo of her once inside the hall, xDDD. And there was one guy promoting the magazine? So cute, 'cos he emo. xDDD Also the BRS cosplayers had awesome weapons. They looked so cool! (Especially the scythe) And there were KHR cosplayers, yea I think I took the most from KHR. We finally found 2 Alices there as well^^. The regional cosplay championship was okay, okay. There was one siao guy who kept saying Grey was his, and that Grey was a trap. LOLLOL. And yes... I think you can mostly take the whole of Day 2 from the photos. LOL @ Leon okay? xDDD And of course, the group he was with too.

I hated the camera I had then. It didn't have a flash. Hall 404 (It sounds like it's haunted or something) was dark at first, so taking a photo there was so fail. I wanted to take one more of Allen using my phone, but I didn't want to feel... Uhm, bad? He was on his way to the Festival Hall too. And a group photo of the Vocaloids, where Len was taller than Kaito, even when he was on stilts (?) It's called stilts I think? LOLLOL, never mind. Also saw one cosplayer who looked like Roda. But it isn't? Her costume wasn't like that, but she seriously looked like it. Saw 07-Ghost cosplayer too^^.

And then there was the Cirno Dance. I can't upload the video to facebook yet, so yeeeaahhh. *Shot* It was cute, they shouted BAKA. xDDD And we all thought that the Haruhi cosplayer was cute^^. But Rein couldn't use my camera, so I had to take a close up photo instead, = 3=. After that, Ahlong's cosplay also was very cute. (How many times have I said cute here? = 3=) With that turtle hanging from the mouth of his mask. xDDD It was a simple, yet fun cosplay idea. And there was the Alice Human Sacrifice cosplayers. Rin and Len. They were... Uhm... Vertically challenged, so I had to bend down a bit. xDDD And with greedy Rein by our side, she asked them to hug Ciel, female, and we took a photo of that too. xD And some more photos were taken... (I'm looking at the photos to know what happened then, 'cos I've forgotten already, :/)

Found another Alice with the awesome scythe ! She said it was heavy, and if I didn't remember wrongly, it was made of wood? Wow, I wonder how they managed to get all the way to City Hall from their house. xDDD Found Alice Human Sacrifice Miku and Meiko too (: And while we were looking around, asked a guy who was cosplaying Matryoshka to take his photo, Haha, while he was shopping. Felt a bit bad though. ._. After that, I took a photo of a poster, and everyone had to wait.... UGH, I overreacted. xDDD Never mind, (x And there was one guy, I think Kaito, who was promoting Pocky! So cute, LOLLOL (: [EDIT: It's actually Hiyuu Tatsuma from Tokyo Majin Gakuen Kenpuchou^^. I can't believe I didn't recognise him, ._.] And then... There comes the Yaoi scene. Man, took like how many photos siaaaa. xDDD After that, took a photo of Ayanami and his subordinate, alongside them was Reborn. (: And there was the double Tsuna too^^.

Ehhh, Open House was kinda fun^^. And it's getting colder and colder in the music room, ._. Now I think I must bring jacket every single time. And in between the Open House, it started to rain heavily. We sang Melavia, and we barely can't hear ourselves. But it was fun man^^. And we ugh... Collaborated with the band ? xDDD When they played Nobody and Bad Romance, the choir was all siaooo. But I just sticked to clapping^^. After all that, went home. Feeling sleepy lately, but it's fine^^. The whole of next week no choir. HEEEEE. Finally, a whole week to myself(:

Ugh, random pic, I won't be posting all the AFA pics here (Duhh) And this post was mostly about AFA anyway, so yeahhh.
It's cute, so why not? xDDD

PHEW. Finally finished.

Now for the song (s) of the post.
I think there's a lot. (My longest post yet? xDDD)

Magnet (Feat. Sekihan) by Piko

YES, I fell in love with PIKO TAN. xDDD

Monochroact by Piko

The first song I love by Piko^^.

Midi Master!! by Kagamine Rin and Len

I had this song for quite a long time already. Love Len's rapping parts(:

Mrs. Pumpkin's Comical Dream by Nico Nico Chorus


Untitled Song by Kagamine Len

The humming part is like it's a Len append already^^.

And the usual farewell,

Oct 21, 2010

Had an outing with Meriku, Rein and Yuriko today^^.
It seems that I prefer the nicknames now. .__.

Anyway, we actually wanted to buy some shoes together, but in the end, decided to go Pan and collect Meriku's dear plushie. OVER REACT. Hahs. Then we were DAMN noisy there^^. Damn fun, and met a new friend(: He only gave his nickname, which is Asakura^^. Quite a nice name, and I should start using mine too I guess. RiReRa seems nicer... Unlike Kai ? Call me any you want. Hah. After the crazy afternoon there (And fighting using the negis), we went to Otaku House at City Hall with Asakura.

I know I walk slowly, but I won't walk that slow until you have to be hit by the doors of the train^^. I know I'm so pro, but no need to congratulate me by going to push me off the train. Hahahas ~. Talked a lot on the way, but of course, I can't remember what we talked about. Usually about Reborn! and other stuffs. .PPP

Hmm, when we reached Otaku House, Yida was there, but that guy wasn't. Damn. ( .__.) Oh well, it's fine^^. Saw Oz's costume! AHAHA, damn nice. And it was... $209. SO EX. LOL, anyway, not even buying it. Had to go home early today though, Rein had tuition. So we of course, took the train home. Asakura had to go the other way though, so bye ~. Continued talking about stuffs and whatever, with Meriku hugging her dear Kaito. AHAHAHA, I'm going to POKE IT. WATCH OUT. :DDD

Reached Tampines and bought Bubble Tea. A lot of pearls, but I guess that's nothing. Just slacked here and there, went to Comics Connection, but also nothing to do.... = 3= After that, had a great laugh with Meriku because of the "Mary" thing, and I guess I went home. Nothing really happened today, and all I can say is I still enjoyed it, no matter what^^.

Song of the Post,
One of the oldest songs I have, and still one of the most addicting ones^^ ('Cause Meriku made me addicted to it again, oh Len's so CUTE in the live performance! AHAHAHA^^, check my FB for the vid, kthanks:D,)

Butterfly on Your Right Shoulder (Feat. Kagamine Rin) by Kagamine Len

The album art

The picture that is usually used for the videos of the song(:

You could search for a guy who drew this picture on a wall (A real wall, not FB wall) on youtube too(:

I'll be swimming tomorrow. Hahs.
Isn't that random.
Well, school holidays are coming, and of course, AFA too^^. So, gambatte, mina ! (:

And the usual farewell,

Oct 18, 2010

So happy. :DDD


I don't care about that stupid swimming programme ! AFA IS TOP PRIORITY, so in YOUR FACES. :DDD

Anyway, had fun with Wan Ping, Haziqah and Meredith today^^. Went to Pan again, but nothing new there, :/ Finally found *SCAPE, and couldn't find Haru, so we went to eat at Burger King^^. WE HAD A WONDERFUL TIME THERE. Our feedback was also AWESOME. We all live under the table, no? xDDD Then, we went out of *SCAPE, and found Haru in the other building! WOOO ~ Finally found it ! Weee ~~~ Quite an interesting shop^^, found quite a few things that weren't sold in Pan, and they were awesome ! (: But sadly, they merged Haru and Haru Goth together, and THAT'S the only Haru store in the WHOLE of Singapore... Sad isn't it... D8 But it was still fun^^. Walked quite a distance though.

After staying there for quite some time, we went to City Hall, Otaku House^^. HAHA, Perfect for you right, Wan Ping? ^^. And the negi was cute. THAT GUY hasn't added us on Facebook yet, :/ I seriously want to spam him. And YEA, saw Oz's clothes. HAHA. And of course, I have always enjoyed playing GUNS. LOL, next time, he owes me my Black Rock Shooter ! :DDD I shot that box man ! (: Finally walked back to the MRT, and sent Meredith to her train... And we decided to go to the Otaku House at Plaza Singapura.

Got a bit lost in the MRT though^^;;; But managed to get out of there ~. Reached Otaku House, nothing much to see though. It's like without that guy, it's no fun... Without Meredith too. D8 Anyway, after that, went to Comics Connection. Found a Kuroshitsuji Calendar !!! WOOO (Though I would prefer a Pandora Hearts one over Kuroshitsuji^^ *Shot*) Anyway, it was only $5, so why not? Decided to buy it. Yea~~~. After that, went home, damn feet are damn tired. But definitely enjoyable^^.

I just don't want the swimming lessons to begin, and I don't want to know my results AT ALL. (Well, maybe a bit, but it will be of HORROR. D8) Okayy, since I have nothing else to say, here's the song of the post ~~~

K-On! Related again I suppose, I don't have any other Vocaloid song right now... :/

Listen!! by Hikasa Yoko

OMG, Yui looks AWESOME here, 8D

I'm too lazy to post other songs, too tired... :/

Huzure updated his simfiles,
go check it out^^.

And the usual farewell,

Oct 15, 2010

damn fun today !
Rawr ~~~

Anyway, first thing I woke up though...

There was pee on the floor, thanks to our DEAR Tiffany. Yep, very dear indeed. And I had to clean it all up, was so lazy... ._. After that, still continue to use com and eat oreo^^. Then realised it was freaking late, and I went to prepare, gonna meet up with Meredith to go out^^. After meeting up with her at the library, went to the MRT... Duhh. Going to the AWESOME anime shop. Heehee, want to know, go find out yourself, :P. We spammed Nicholas while on the way there. NICO, YOU OWE US, LOADS. kthanks(: Anyway, finally reached our destination, and we were AWED. (:

I SAW THE NEW VONGOLA RING OF TSUNA'S. YAY! Confirm I want to buy next time!^^. AHAHAHA, my money fly. ._. I also found a pillow case, Rin and Len in it(: $20 though, so like waste my money~~~ In the end, bought K-On! Handphone Pouch, Rin's Meltdown Guitar and a Vocaloid keychain^^. Weee~~~ Then got 2 more chops. (Thank you Meriku!) Anyway, while we were there, saw Jun Li(: So SHOCKED. Then confirm she buy Reborn! things, so loyal^^. After that, went to 7 Eleven, bought a drink... They no paper bag to put pao liao, = 3=

Went around, trying to find Haru. IT WAS... Kinda fun, but also irritating. We went to EVERY single mall we could see (Even the high class ones) to find a small shop called Haru. Wow, we were so persistent. At least it was fun^^. Felt like an Amazing Race. Then spotted so many 7 Elevens, they were like Pit Stops. And yes, WE ARE MILK DELINQUENTS MEREDITH. :DDD *Shot* Anyway, we walked around like siao for around 3 to 4 hours I guess. In the end, we didn't manage to find it. So we went to Dhoby Ghaut instead, to go to Otaku House.

After reaching, Meredith got a call, and the atmosphere was all moody. ._. JY Meredith ! I know he'll get better(: Anyway, I also finally found a 07-Ghost Keychain. WOOOOOO. Frau's scythe. WEEEEE. *Shot* It's kinda thick, but the moment I saw it, BUY BUY BUY. :DDD Also saw Miku's costume. MAN, she's big. xD Yep, after a whole way of emoing and figuring out why Meriku's brother is unwell, finally reached home. Damn tired, and Tiffany's there to make me more tired. .____.

Okayyys, now for the song of the post!

I suddenly got addicted to Heavenly Blue again, and I haven't been searching for any songs lately (Or the artists haven't released some) so I guess there's only one for today^^.

1925 by Kagamine Len

Interesting song, found the Nico Nico Version, but guess it's kinda normal.

Aaaannddd, yep, I guess only one for today. .PPP

And the usual farewell,


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I answer to RiReRa or simply Kai
I love Vocaloids, LEN and PIKO are MINE (:
Just toss presents at me on December 8
Add me on Facebook if you bother, (Or if you can find me^^)
People with no common sense suck
If you don't give a shit about me, help yourself by pressing Alt+F4


07-Ghost Chapter 60

Witch Hunter Chapter 52

Karneval Chapter 23

Pandora Hearts Chapter 53

Kateikyoushi Hitman Reborn! Chapter 312

D. Gray-Man Chapter 199


------------------------------------------------------------ Monochroact by Piko
Magnet (Feat. Sekihan) by Piko
Heavenly Blue (Feat. Hatsune Miku) by Nico Nico Chorus
Matryoshka by Nico Nico Chorus
Untitled Song by Kagamine Len


[ Copy this | Start New | Full Size ]


Black Rock Shooter Canon
Black Rock Shooter (Dead Master) Scythe
D. Gray-Man Postcards
D. Gray-Man Poster
Hatsune Miku Figurine
Hatsune Miku Music Box
Hatsune Miku Plushie
K-On! Handphone Pouch
K-On! Mug
Kagamine Len Plushie
Kagamine Rin and Len Pillow Case^^
Kagamine Rin Meltdown Keychain
Kaito Plushie
Kateikyoushi Hitman Reborn! Postcards
Kateikyoushi Hitman Reborn! Poster
Kuroshitsuji Calendar
Mio Akiyama Tee
Pandora Hearts Headphones
Tsuna's New Vongola Ring
Vocaloid Keychain
Vocaloid Postcards
Vocaloid Poster
Vongola Handphone Sticker
07-Ghost Keychain




Recommended *Incomplete
#Can't be bothered to complete
Angel Beats!
Asura Cryin'
Asura Cryin' S2
Black Cat
Black Rock Shooter
Busou Renkin
*#Cardcaptor Sakura
*#Casshern Sins
Chaos; Head
Chrome Shelled Regios
Code Geass
Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion R2
D. Gray-Man
Dance in the Vampire Bund
DN Angel
*#Dragonaut the Resonance
*#Element Hunters
Elemental Gelade
*#Elfen Lied
*Fairy Tail
Fate/Stay Night
Fortune Arterial
Full Metal Alchemist
Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood
*#Gate Keepers
Gundam Seed
Gundam Seed Destiny
H2O: Footprints in the Sand
*Hayate no Gotoku!
*High School of the Dead
*#Higurashi no Naku Koro ni
Ichiban Ushiro no Daimaou
Junjou Romantica
*Junjou Romantica S2
*K-On!! S2
*Kaichou wa Maid-Sama!
Kateikyoushi Hitman Reborn!
*Kaze no Stigma
Kuroshitsuji S2
*Kyo Kara Maoh!
*Law of Ueki
Letter Bee
*Letter Bee Reverse
*#Mahou Sensei Negima!
*#Mermaid Melody
Monochrome Factor
*Myself, Yourself
Nabari no Ou
Ouran High School Host Club
*#One Piece
Pandora Hearts
*#Persona -Trinity Soul-
*#Phantom: Requiem for the Phantom
Princess Princess
*Psychic Detective Yakumo
*Rave Master
Rental Magica
Rosario + Vampire
Rosario + Vampire Capu2
*#Samurai Deeper Kyo
*Seikon no Qwaser
*Sekirei ~Pure Engagement~
Shakugan no Shana
Shakugan no Shana II
Shakugan no Shana S
Shaman King
*Shugo Chara!
Tales of the Abyss
*#Tears to Tiara
*The Legend of the Legendary Heroes
To Aru Kagaku no Index
*To Aru Kagaku no Index S2
Tsubasa Chronicles
Uragiri wa Boku no Namae wo Shitteiru
*##Yakitate!! Japan
*Yosuga no Sora
Yozakura Quartet
Zero no Tsukaima
Zero no Tsukaima: Futatsuki no Kishi
Zero no Tsukaima: Princess no Rondo


*Under Construction*
= 3=



Chao Qun
Fang Ting
Huang Wen
Hui Shan
Jia Mao
Jia Qian
Meng Jie
Teng Suan
Wei Siong
Yuan Ning
1E4 !
6C1 !


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